
Monday, July 03, 2006

Fons Vitae at "Journey to Ihsan" - 2nd International Conference on Islamic Spirituality

Fons Vitae books represented at "Journey to Ihsan"

2nd International Conference on Islamic Spirituality 2 & 3 September 2006 Sultan Mosque Auditorium, Singapore READ MORE


The conference is organised by Abdul Aleem Siddique Mosque (Singapore), and supported by several Muslim organisations in Singapore.

Conference Objectives

The following are the main objectives of the conference:

* To develop a greater understanding of the concept of Ihsan and its significance in Islam.
* To rediscover the humanitarian traditions and values embodied in Islam and assimilating them for contemporary living.
* To initiate a conscious effort towards refinement of character and values, both as an individual and society.
* To appreciate the challenges facing the ummah towards the development of a peaceful, integrated and harmonious global society.

"Ihsan means beneficence, performance of good deeds, but in the religious sense it implies the doing of good deeds over and above what is just and fair. It is indicative of the intense devotion of man to his Creator and Master and his enthusiasm for virtue and piety. The aim of Ihsan is to create a sense of inner piety in man and to train his sensibilities in a way that all his thoughts and actions flow from the fountainhead of the love of God." from the site READ MORE


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